Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Vampires: Nosferatu and Vampire Knight

My only movie/television exposure I had to vampires previous to this class was Interview with a Vampire, a few snipets of Nosferatu, and...don't anime series called Vampire Knight.  When the Twilight series came out, I avoided it at all costs.  I wanted to have nothing to do with it.  I never even gave it a chance (never read the book or saw the movie).  I know a lot of girls and women liked the series, but from an outsiders perspective, it seemed like it was only being glorified because of the "attractive" male leads.  It's really hard for me to compare Nosferatu with Twilight since I've never seen Twilight, so I'll compare it to Vampire Knight. Vampire probably like Twilight I'm guessing.  It's a romance anime- the male leads are attractive and strong...I definitely had crushes on them when I watched this is middle school.  However, unlike Bella from Twilight, the female lead is strong, independent, and unwilling to be swayed by her love interest.  I believe Bella was essentially a submissive and masochistic girl who did not successfully beat teen-pregnancy (doesn't sound like a good female role model to me).  But, nonetheless, Vampire Knight still sexualizes vampires.  Nosferatu, an original vampire movie is nothing of the sort....well there is that hot lady but she didn't really matter.  In fact, I had no interest in her.  Nosferatu was all I focused on- he was weird, creepy, funny- full of much more interest than the girl who was only there to be the "ditzy, hot female".

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